Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Happy New Year 2010

Hi Everyone,

Hardly believable that another year has passed. Matt's birthday today so 'Many Happy Returns' to him. Now I know that many of you have had to cope with loads of snow so I hope that you have not been inconvenienced too much. The pictures of the whole of the UK covered in white were fantastic - it can't happen very often.

If you read Sarah's blog you will see that life was pretty hectic during December. One week I drove to Kate's 4 times, both to see them and to attend Ash and India's functions at school. I got really good petrol consumption that month! The one hope was that Joe would not have something on the same day and it all worked out OK. I really enjoyed helping in Joe's class last year and have volunteered for this year too. I will continue to help the same teacher, even though Joe has moved up the school, as we get along well. It is only one morning a week and the children call me Nana Carol. It is rather disconcerting when I am out to hear "Hello Nana Carol" shouted by one of the children - reminds me of when I was 'Brown Owl' and going to the Hadleigh Show and hearing "Hello, Brown Owl" screamed out over the showground! Happy days..

Before Xmas I went to see "Anything Goes" at the theatre with U3A (most enjoyable; hadn't realised how many of the songs I knew). I had lunch with the WI, U3A and my walking group. The latter lunch was at the Casino. I decided to have a flutter. Now the last time I played the slots was in Las Vegas in 1979 where I spent $5. There were handles to pull then! Does going again this time constitute a habit? Anyway, I bet $4 (buttons to push this time) and won $40, so quit while I was ahead. It paid for the lunch and then some!

Christmas was great. The family gathered here for lunch and the sun shone enough to eat outside. We all went to the beach afterwards for some boogie boarding - the first time in the sea this summer for most of us. The weather has been reasonably good for us so far - the sun has shone but (due to El Nino) a lot of the wind has come from the SW (Antarctica). This has brought plenty of rain on the west coast - they have an average of 10 metres a year, folks!!!! We haven't had too much rain on this side of the country - time for the farmers to mention the word 'drought'.

As usual I will try to get some photos on the blog so fingers are crossed. My very best wishes to all for the New Year. Take care and keep warm.

With love Carol xx

PS Managed to get some photos on the blog - yours truly, self portrait and Xmas dinner. Only had to phone Sarah once, so 'result'.

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