Wednesday, 8 October 2008

A Spring Journey

Hi Everyone!
The photos this time were taken on a short coach trip that I took a couple of weeks ago. We travelled down south, then west, then north and lastly east to get back to Christchurch. Almost a square! The 2nd photo is of the harbour at Oamaru where we saw little blue penguins coming ashore after their day out at sea hunting fish. They are very small, only about 30 cms. Coming up from the beach they were fearful of a seal that had plonked itself down right in their path and whenever the seal moved the penguins rushed back down the slope. They were not in any danger but I suppose that when you are that small it does not pay to take any chances.
Once again the programme hasn't shown all the photos that I had selected so it is pot luck which turns up. There should be 2 photos of lakes - the one with the mountains behind is Wanaka and the other is Lake Dunstan, formed when the Clyde dam was built. The last photo just shows that there is still plenty of snow left! That is the end of your geography lesson for today!! Actually, it was a good trip and my fellow travellers very friendly but as the shuttle bus driver remarked when he dropped me off at home "You are a good bit younger that the rest of them" and he hadn't seen everyone!
I can't really believe it myself but I have been here a year this weekend! Time certainly flies. We are well into Spring now and the garden is planted (so far) and the veggies are doing what they should. I actually picked some leaves off the lettuce plants yesterday for tea. Tomatoes and more susceptible plants will have to wait a while. I am really enjoying gardening again. One sad note!!! My 2 goldfish have disappeared. Cat? Kingfisher? Who knows? They were there one day and gone the next. Talking of gardens, I went with the WI to visit a daffodil farm. A very nice day - the funny thing was the coach that took us; supplied by a local funeral directors!!! And no, they didn't give out any brochures at the end of the trip or in any way tout for business!
I have been to the theatre again since I last wrote and saw 'The Birthday Boy'. A bitter-sweet comedy. Next week it is off to see '84 Charing Cross Road' the film of which I saw some years ago with Anthony Hopkins. All this gadding about! Good, isn't it? Off this morning for a walk followed by a picnic with a group I join with every week. Not too strenuous either. My shoulder seems to be responding to the physio's exercises so that is good too. So, on that happy note I will finish. All my love, Carol xx
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1 comment:

Simmersons said...

Glad the shoulder is getting better - just in time for the new boogie boarding season!