Well everyone, it is April already and the weather has been kind(!) enough to give us newcomers a reminder that winter will follow. No daffodils for us this month. A few chilly mornings and the clocks going back this weekend have made us look out the woollies and fleeces in the wardrobe. (The sun hasn't completely deserted us though and when it shines it is very warm) I could do without the wind that has been blowing recently as it always seen to be against me when I am on the bike! Paranoia reigns supreme!
No April Fool japes but I wii give you Joe's joke of the moment.
How do you get 6 donkeys into a fire engine?
Don't know, I think I hear you say.
2 in the front, 2 in the back and 2 on the top saying eehhaw, eehhaw!!!
I didn't say it was good now, did I? (I laughed)
The photo of Joe with the rat lantern was our outing to the Chinese lantern festival to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Sarah and I took the boys and it rained but that did not stop Joe's enthusiasm for the Kung Fu exhibition that he pronounced as "totally awesome!!" Among other things he wants to start Karate when he is 5 yrs. The other photos this month show Ash driving the go-cart (dreadful to think that he will be able to apply for a licence to drive a car when he is 15 years old.) Don't know exactly how the system works, yet! India looks a picture in her sari, standing in their garden and Ben and Olive share a pose on the carpet. Ben is chattering away 20 to the dozen these days and Olive can't wait to be on the move. They both know that they are 'cute'.
The children haven't finished the school term yet - another couple of weeks to go but they had some time off for Easter and all the family gathered here on Good Friday for lunch and an early Easter egg hunt. I made it easy for the 'grownups' as they didn't have to search to enjoy the chocolate. Spoilt rotten!! It was great for me to meet with Wynn and Colin (from Lavenham) over Easter. I hadn't realised just how lovely it was to see a familiar face.
I have been busy 'joining' things and have been to the WI and U3A and latterly a walking group - nothing too strenuous but pleasant company and a way to explore the area. Sarah and Matt took me to the hot springs at Hanmer - lovely! and with Roy, Kate and Sarah I went to see Jack Johnson
perform. It was a great show and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I even recognised a few of the songs!!! He comes from Hawaii and plays guitar. You will have to look him up if you haven't heard of him. I hadn't until Sarah lent me a CD
a couple of years ago.
My shoulder continues to improve but it is a long job. I think the acupuncture is helping too. The course of treatment is due to finish next week but I may be able to extend it. Mostly I think that I have to be patient and allow time to complete the healing. Annie celebrated her birthday in March and the children sang Happy Birthday to her in Maori! Well done to all of them.
Almost time to finish this 'episode' but I have to thank all of you who have kept in touch over the months that I have been here. It is always good to switch on the computer and find emails from family and friends. I know that we all appreciate it. Haven't a clue how many read these blogs but hope that you enjoy them. Do leave a comment if you have a moment.
Take care everyone, best wishes from us all. Love Carol xx
I read your blog Nana! See you soon, Malc xx
Me too! LOL Sarah XXX
All very cute!
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