Monday, 6 September 2010

Earthquake 2010

Hi Everyone and thank you to all who have contacted us in the last few days. Just a short note this time and no photos .... yet! Well, we have survived quite a big one - in the best James Bond tradition .... wait for it ......... "shaken but not stirred". Boom boom! IT was, however, very frightening to experience, especially as it was the middle of the night. Without any light pollution from the city the stars were amazing and I met up with all the neighbours just before 5am!!!

The damage in the city is extensive - there are lots of photos on the NZ Herald website. The power of the earth is 'awesome'. Literally. Sarah and family are staying with me at present as the main beams in the their house have been damaged and they feel it would be best to wait for an assessment. That could take awhile because of the sheer weight of numbers of people waiting. Well over 50 aftershocks have been measured so far and the experts say that we could have another quite big one in the near future. No school for a couple of days, so far and many not at work. We are boiling water in case of contamination, conserving water and not flushing too often. The army are guarding the cordon around the Central Business District where there is a lot of damage.

A lovely day today and the forecast high winds moderated but we have a cold front with lots of rain coming at the end of today. Oh joy!! Still, could be worse. The stiff upper lip is operating even if a bit wobbly at times. Love to you all. Carol xx